Where Beavers, Cubs and Scouts learn and have fun
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Welcome pack and downloads

be_prepared_logoYour young person has expresses an interest in joining the 1st Welwyn Scout Group.  This page provides links to essential documentation and downloads.

Welcome pack

This describes the fundamental values of scouting, provides important information about the 1st Welwyn Scout Group such as key contacts, meeting times and information about subs.  The document also describes what you need to do in order for your young person to formally invest in Beavers, Cubs or Scouts.

Download the 1st_welwyn_welcome_pack


Young person information form

Please complete all the information fields on this form.  It is important that have two emergency contacts in case something happens while your young people are in our care.  we also need know about all medical conditions and allergies so that we don’t expose the young people to any extra risk.

Download the young person information form


Standing order mandate

Subs are £15 per month.  In order for your young person to invest we need confirmation that a standing order has been set up to be paid on the 1st of the Month. We prefer you to set this up online of through telephone banking with the following information:  Bank details for standing orders:
Account name: 1st Welwyn Scout Group
Account number: 00024288
Sort code: 405240
reference:  Young persons surname and section

Download the 1st_welwyn_standing_order_mandate

Then fill in and return the form to one of the leaders at the next meeting.


Photo permission form

During meetings, outdoor activities and camps we often take photo’s and or video’s of the young people having fun and learning new things.  We need permission  to use these pictures on internal or external marketing material, for example internal scout newsletters or externally on this web site.

Download the 1st_welwyn_Photo_permission_form

Then fill in and return the form to one of the leaders at the next meeting.