Where Beavers, Cubs and Scouts learn and have fun
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1st Welwyn SCOUTS is open to 10½ to 14 year olds.

Scouts meet on Thursdays in the Scout HQ in Welwyn Village between 7.30 and 9.00 pm (term-time only).

Scouts wear a turquoise shirt with navy blue activity trousers plus the 1st Welwyn scarf and a woggle, which will be provided when your child is enrolled if he has not come up through Cubs. Your leader will advise about where and when to buy a uniform.

By the time youngsters join the Scouts they are old enough to make many of their own choices and this is reflected in the Scout Section’s programme. As with the younger Sections, they’ll take part in a variety of games and activities but with an emphasis on personal choice and trying new things – including outdoor and adventurous activities, such as camping, abseiling and water activites.